
All donations, no matter how small, will help ALRM support our community. ALRM’s major aim is to advance the legal Interests of Aboriginal people in South Australia and to ensure that those interests and rights are protected by the law, and not adversely affected by abuse or misuse of any powers under the law.

Donations can be made by Cheque, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) or by contacting our office to organise payment.

As a registered charity, your donations to ALRM of $2.00 or more are Tax Deductible 

Donations by Cheque or Money Order
Drawn to: Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement (ALRM)
Post to: 321-325 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000

Donations by Bank Transfer\EFTPayee: Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement (ALRM)
Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB: 065-008
Account: 00902618